Thursday 2 February 2012

Project 3: Sleep Tight

General Brief:

Designing a resting box for airports, train stations, festivals, concerts and natural disaster camps.
The resting box is used by everyone and must include a universal toilet, single or double bed size, bedside locker, flat screen television, WiFi, a folded shelf for laptop and lighting system.
The look required is modern, with a pleasing aesthetic and sophisticated ambiance.
The logo must be attractive and incorporated in the design.

I took inspiration from my own experience as I love and enjoy travelling. Lately I was in South Africa for my vacation and slept on the bench at Johannesburg airport as my connection flight was delayed to Durban.
It is at this moment precisely I thought that something must be created for people’s flight delayed or canceled for having a rest as travelling can be exhausting and frustrating.  
Watching the news daily, I felt sorry for American citizens when hurricane Irene hit the United States east coast in the end of August 2011. I thought that my resting box could be used for natural disaster camps.

Mood Board

Plan Board

3D Visualisation Board

Model Board

01.01.Ground Floor Plan

01.02.Ground Floor Plan with Services

02.01.Front Elevation

02.02.Side Elevation

03.01.Section AA

03.02.Section BB


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